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Annual Report

Annual key figures

2023 was a record year for the Rhaetian Railway in many respects. Never before has the Alpine railway welcomed so many passengers on its trains. Car transport also set a new record. The peak figures from 2019 were in some cases significantly exceeded. The investment volume also increased once again. The RhB Group is reporting a profit totalling CHF 13 million for the 2023 financial year.

Key figures RhB Group

    2023 2022
Operating income CHF 1 000 464,766 436,092
Net revenue from passenger traffic CHF 1 000 118,161 99,557
Net revenue from car transporter CHF 1 000 16,717 15,996
Net revenue from goods railway CHF 1 000 12,187 12,452
Personnel expenses CHF 1 000 196,266 178,288
Operating result (EBIT) CHF 1 000 691 863
Annual profit CHF 1 000 13,016 4,198